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Key takeaways:

  • Garden eggs are a type of eggplant. The species of garden egg found in Africa is called the African eggplant, and its botanical name is Solanum aethiopicum
  • Garden eggs have high nutritional value and contain high amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and phytochemicals. Their benefits include their use in traditional medicine for treating or managing health issues like indigestion. 
  • Other potential health benefits of garden eggs include managing diabetes, anti-ulcer and anti-oxidative properties. 

The African eggplant, or aubergine, commonly known as garden egg, is an edible vegetable or fruit. Garden eggs belong to the family Solanaceae, a.k.a. the nightshade family, which also includes tomatoes, potatoes, and chili peppers. 

There are different species of garden eggs. Some species are elongated and round, such as the Solanum melongena, while others can be egg-shaped, like the Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum ovigerum. They also come in different colors, such as purple, white, pale yellow, and green, and are common in Southern and Eastern Asia, Africa, and India.

Garden egg is a fruit eaten for its many health benefits. When washed properly, the fruit can be consumed in its raw form, used as a vegetable, or used as a flavoring agent in certain local cuisines. 

Health benefits of garden eggs include:

1. Anti-ulcer properties

In 2011, research was carried out on rats to determine the effects of garden eggs on experimentally induced ulcers. The results came back positive, as the garden egg was reported to have ulcer-protective properties against the experimentally induced ulcers. 

This indicates that garden eggs may be a good source of natural ulcer remedies. However, it should not be used in place of ulcer medications or a doctor’s advice.

2. May improve digestion

Dietary fibers are another healthy component of garden eggs. Dietary fibers are known to help improve digestion and gastric movement. People with indigestion and poor gastric movements may be asked to eat foods like garden eggs, which have high fiber content, to help improve their digestive conditions.

Dietary fibers can also be helpful for treating certain digestive tract conditions, like gastroesophageal reflux disease.

3. Potential anti-cancer properties

Amongst the pharmacological effects of garden egg is its suspected anti-cancer properties. Garden eggs are said to contain flavonoids and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Flavonoids and ascorbic acid are important compounds that are considered to have anti-cancer effects.  

4. Antioxidative properties

Another important health benefit of garden eggs is their antioxidative properties. Garden eggs contain phytochemicals like flavonoids and carotenoids, as well as ascorbic acid. These compounds are powerful natural antioxidants. Thus, they can help prevent oxidative stress by eliminating free radicals found in the bloodstream.  

5. Blood pressure maintenance

Garden eggs are rich in nutrients like potassium. Potassium is vital for several cardiac functions. Increasing your potassium intake can help decrease your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. 

6. May improve skin and hair condition

Eating garden eggs is a natural way of improving your skin's condition. Garden eggs are packed with loads of vitamins, such as vitamins A and E. 

Vitamin A contains retinoic acid, which helps reduce/protect your skin from wrinkles and dark spots, as well as repair hair follicle stem cells.

On the other hand, Vitamin E has antitumor and photoprotective properties that help protect your skin from the harsh effects of the environment and solar radiation.

7. Anti-inflammatory properties

Garden eggs also contain phytochemicals that may provide anti-inflammatory effects. Some of the phytochemicals in garden eggs are flavonoids like anthocyanin and polyphenols like chlorogenic acid.

These two compounds are known to have anti-inflammatory effects by protecting and preventing cellular damage caused by free radicals in the circulatory system.

8. Weight loss and a healthy diet

Garden eggs are considered nutritious fruits or vegetables due to their high composition of nutrients, carbohydrates, vitamins, and phytochemicals. 

Since garden eggs are a low-calorie vegetable, individuals looking to shed some weight may want to consider adding them to their diet. Garden eggs could be eaten raw, dried, cooked, or chopped up into a salad or soup. 

9. Anti-diabetic properties

The compounds contained in garden eggs may also have hypoglycemic properties for people with diabetes. When eaten, these compounds may help lower blood sugar, thereby inducing a hypoglycemic effect.

This doesn’t mean you should not take your diabetes medications if your doctor has prescribed you one. It only means you can include garden eggs as part of healthy meals for you, while other lifestyle and dietary management techniques for diabetes.

10. May improve eyesight

Consuming garden eggs may help improve eye health. Garden egg contains vitamin A, an important vitamin that helps regulate cell groups, maintain light sensitivity, and aid in the formation of rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a light-sensitive pigment that is responsible for night vision.

Garden egg nutritional value

Garden eggs are considered to contain high amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, dietary fibers, minerals, and nutrients. It also contains certain compounds/phytochemicals that exhibit pharmacological effects. These phytochemicals include saponins, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and steroids.

Is it good to eat garden eggs at night?

So far, no verified study shows that eating garden eggs at night would have any adverse effects. However, if you're to consume garden eggs at night, it is best to consume a moderate amount to avoid being excessively filled before bed so you can have a better sleep. 

It may also be best for you to consume garden eggs prior to or just right after dinner. This is to allow its high fiber content to promote easy digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract before bedtime. 

If you're unsure of the amount of garden eggs to consume, be sure to seek your doctor's opinion to know the right amount of garden eggs to consume. 

Is garden egg good for people with diabetes?

Seeing as studies indicate that garden eggs may have blood glucose-lowering properties, people with diabetes mellitus can consume garden eggs. Garden egg has similar nutritional properties as other vegetables, does not contain refined carbs, and has good fiber content, which is good for people with diabetes, so it can be a great meal for people with the condition.

If you have diabetes, you may also want to speak with a registered dietitian so they can explain to you how best to fit garden eggs into your diet.


Garden eggs, similar to most other edible fruits and vegetables, are highly nutritious. They offer a lot of health benefits and can help improve any diet. They can be eaten raw alone or added as part of a meal. If you have any medical conditions and are wondering whether garden eggs would be a great food choice for you, consider speaking to a healthcare professional.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are garden eggs good for a pregnant person?

Garden eggs contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins that may be beneficial in any stage of pregnancy. Pregnant people would have to consult their doctors or dietitians for their opinion on the healthy amount of garden eggs, other foods, or nutrients to take per day to ensure proper and adequate nutrition for them and their babies.

Is garden egg good for people with fibroid?

Although garden eggs contain anti-inflammatory and antitumorigenic properties, no research has shown that eating garden eggs may be good or may help treat fibroid. However, fibroid patients could seek their doctor's opinion prior to consuming garden eggs for nutritive purposes.

How many garden eggs can I eat a day?

No study has been carried out on the amount of garden eggs a person should eat in a day. However, like all foods, moderation is key. Eating up to 10 garden eggs a day will most likely not be harmful to health. It's also ideal to combine it with foods from other classes to get the different nutrients your body requires.


  1. Anosike Chioma et al (2011). Does the African garden egg offer protection against experimentally induced ulcers?
  2. Sunday Aderemi Adelakun et al. (2020). Interventions of aqueous extract of Solanum melongena fruits (garden eggs) on mercury chloride induced testicular toxicity in adult male Wistar rats
  3. Sergey Morozov et al. (2018) Fiber-enriched diet helps to control symptoms and improves esophageal motility in patients with non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease
  4. National Institute of Health. (2021) Vitamin C Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. 
  5. Dalia M. Kopustinskiene et al. (2020) Flavonoids as Anticancer Agents
  6. Joanna Fiedor et al. (2014) Potential Role of Carotenoids as Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease
  7. Rice-Evans, C. (2001). Flavonoid antioxidants
  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Sodium, Potassium and Health
  9. Christine A. VanBuren et al. (2022) Vitamin A in Skin and Hair: An Update
  10. Mohammad Abid Keen et al. (2016) Vitamin E in dermatology
  11. González, R. et al. (2011) Effects of flavonoids and other polyphenols on inflammation
  12. Hock Eng Khoo et al. (2017)  Anthocyanidins and anthocyanins: colored pigments as food, pharmaceutical ingredients, and the potential health benefits
  13. Muhammad Naveed et al. (2018) Chlorogenic acid (CGA): A pharmacological review and call for further research
  14. Nole Tsabang et al. (2019) Importance of food plants in the prevention and treatment of diabetes in Cameroon
  15. Sadaharu Miyazono et al. (2013) Vitamin A activates rhodopsin and sensitizes it to ultraviolet light
  16. Pacheco, D. (2023). Is eating before bed bad?

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