10 Ladies Share Their Awful Menstruation Experiences and Coping Strategies That Have Worked for Them
For some women, menstruation isn’t just a mild inconvenience. It’s a full-blown battle of both mind and body.
Written By

Vanessa AnakorHealth Writer | Med Lab. Scientist
Reviewed By

Joy EmehHuman Anatomist | Health Editor

Menstruation is a natural process, but for many people, it feels anything but routine.
Beyond the predictable cycle, it brings a wave of physical and emotional challenges that can disrupt daily life in ways that are rarely discussed.
Hormonal shifts can trigger intense mood swings, leaving some feeling anxious, irritable, or emotionally drained. Sleep patterns become unpredictable. Some struggle with insomnia, while others find themselves unable to stay awake. Cravings hit hard, demanding sugar, salt, or the strangest food combinations.
For some, periods come and go with minimal discomfort, but for others, they bring symptoms that feel unbearable. While cramps and fatigue are widely acknowledged, many endure lesser-known struggles in silence.
From extreme bloating that makes clothes feel two sizes too small to an overwhelming sense of exhaustion that lingers for days—the experience is different for everyone.
In today's health story, ten women open up about the worst their periods have put them through—some may sound unbelievable. The unexpected symptoms, the unbearable moments, and the small but significant ways they try to cope.
Oluwapelumi - My Period steals my appetite, wrecks my blocks, and triggers ulcer attacks
Every month, my period looks for new ways to surprise me. The cramps alone are enough to make someone reconsider life, but then add soft bones, extreme body pains, nausea, depression, and a complete loss of appetite.
Another thing is that each period comes with something new. I have had the craziest ulcer attacks as a result of my periods. Period cramp painkillers didn’t work. Injections? Nothing. They once had to give me tramadol just so I could sleep. Till today, no painkiller has worked for me.
I’ve learned that sleep is my best escape. I shift around until I find a position that offers the slightest relief. Heating pads help a little, and I drink Zobo, hoping it does something. But honestly, when the pain comes, all I can do is endure.
Akunna - My period comes with acne, bloating, and a pregnant-looking stomach
It’s everything. The discomfort, the heavy flow, the unexpected stains in public even after doing all the due diligence—because sometimes, periods be "perioding".
But the worst part? My period changes my body. It gives me body acne, and not the regular kind. I've had back acne, chest acne, deep and stubborn, leaving dark spots that only start fading after my period ends. I never had them before, but one random period when I was 24 decided to change my skin forever.
Then there’s the weight gain. My stomach becomes extra big, my back folds appear, my face swells, and I start looking pregnant. And if that’s not enough, I even become a shade darker, all because of my period!
I have tried everything, but none of the cramp hacks seem to work. I have two heating pads, and I had to give them out because, honestly, what’s the point?
Onahnweze - Cramps, nausea, and somehow, a high libido
It doesn’t make sense, but it happens every month. The cramps feel like something is squeezing my insides, twisting and turning, refusing to let go. Nausea comes next, and weakness creeps in, draining every ounce of energy.
Surprisingly, in the middle of all this, my body still decides that it is the perfect time for my libido to skyrocket. Imagine feeling like you’re being stabbed in the stomach, yet your body is reacting like it’s time for romance. It’s frustrating, confusing, and, honestly exhausting.
Over time, I’ve found small ways to cope. Pain relief medications help, but they don’t do much. Hot water and ginger tea make a difference, even if it’s just for a short while.
Zobo drink is also my go-to coping strategy, but I’ve learned that cutting down on sugar a month before my period makes things a little more bearable. It doesn’t take the pain away, but at least it makes it less overwhelming.
Andrea - I get swollen joints when I’m on my period
Everything about my period is madness. The cramps are bad enough, but then my joints decide to swell like I’m an old woman. Moving feels like punishment.
And let’s not even talk about the price of pads every month. It’s like they’re competing with fuel/diesel prices. How am I supposed to survive all this and still function like a normal human being?
Weirdly, free bleeding helps a bit. It’s messy, though, and every time I clean up, I feel like a crime scene investigator. I also take tonics and small shots of spirits to help ease the pain.
Green tea, moringa tea, scent leaf tea, and anything warm really make me feel human again. These hacks are not perfect, but at least it helps me get through the madness.
Ayo - Vomiting, diarrhea, passing out… how is this normal?
Last month was the worst. My periods are always bad. Cramps, nausea, vomiting, you name it, but diarrhea decided to join the party this time. I was throwing up all night, couldn’t sleep, and the pain just kept getting worse. I tried everything. Drugs, hot water bag, warm water, ginger, lime, but nothing worked.
By 2 a.m., I was so frustrated that I decided to take a walk just to breathe. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground. Passed out. My roommates were panicking, and honestly, I felt like that was the end of me. For a few minutes, I couldn’t even open my eyes.
Somehow, I survived till morning. The diarrhea, the vomiting, the pain—it was all too much. Now, I just use Felvin and a heating pad because, at this point, what else can I do?
Evie - My whole body feels attacked, and everywhere hurts
Every month, it’s like my body spins a wheel to decide what new symptoms I’ll get with each period. The cramps are a given, but 2025 came with lower back aches and muscle cramps, especially in my legs. Some months, it’s headaches and dizziness. Other times, it’s nausea so bad I end up vomiting.
The worst is when diarrhea and butt cramps decide to happen at the same time during my period flow. Honestly, whoever designed that combination deserves jail. My appetite disappears, but that’s probably because I’m too irritated to eat. I can go two days without food during my menstruation and not even care.
To survive all these, I just thug it out. Painkillers don’t do much, so I stopped bothering. Dairy makes things worse, so I avoid it. Mostly, I drink water and sit on the toilet, free bleeding. Sometimes, I punch my tummy like I’m trying to break up clots, which is probably ridiculous, but somehow, it helps.
Olajumoke - Five days of intense cramps and no libido at all
From day one to day five, the period cramps don’t let go. It’s not like they start strong and fade; just constant nerve-wracking pain.
I typically throw up on my first few days, and then the flu kicks in. Headaches, catarrh, the whole package. My body betrays me in every way possible. And cravings? Yes. Libido? Absolutely not. In fact, the thought alone makes me sick.
I try hot water bottles, but most times, nothing works. I just lie down and wait for my stomach to agree with food. Painkillers? They come and go like multivitamins. Zero effect.
Damilayanfe - My feet get swollen like balloons
Painkillers touch the stomach cramps, but the rest? They do absolutely nothing. Last December, my feet doubled in size. No exaggeration. My ankle just disappeared as my feet became more conspicuous.
My knees? The pain isn’t something you can rub or massage away. It feels like it’s buried deep inside the bones, unreachable. And then the anal cramps. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy.
Appetite is another gamble. Some days, I can’t eat. On other days, I eat like I’m making up for lost time.
Felvin medication helps, but only to an extent. Now that my partner is closer, he massages my legs when they start acting up.
Free bleeding is disgusting, I won’t lie, but it keeps the pain away. When it’s unbearable, I just sit on the toilet as long as needed. Sometimes, that’s the only relief I get from the monstrous period flu symptoms.
Phoebe - My eyes swell
The cramps are always the first to hit me. Then comes the diarrhea, because why should my body suffer in just one way? My eyes swell, my head pounds, and no matter what I do, discomfort lingers like an unwanted guest. It’s a full-body betrayal; all I can do is wait it out.
Painkillers? I take them, but they don’t always help. So I count—1 to 100, over and over, distracting myself through each wave of pain. Short walks help, too, even if I feel like collapsing halfway. Chamomile tea helps sometimes, but mostly, I just endure.
Joy - I have crazy cramps to the point of being hospitalized
Every month, it’s the same story. Crippling cramps that make me so dizzy I end up in the hospital. It’s exhausting. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Sometimes one of them, sometimes all three at once. I already know the drill, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
I’ve tried everything. Felvin, Panadol, Paracetamol, do nothing. Heating pads help a bit. Since moving to Canada, I’ve found that Tylenol, Advil, and ibuprofen work better.
My husband suggested I try eating dates, and to my surprise, they actually help reduce the pain, but just not enough to make it go away completely.
But the weirdest thing? If we have sex (yes, with protection) at the start of my period, I feel little to no pain. I don’t question it anymore. I just take my relief where I can get it.
Period flu can be a pain in the ass but you can try different coping strategies
One thing these period flu stories prove? That period is anything but simple. For some ladies, it’s just a few days of discomfort, but for others, it’s pure hell and misery. Pain that won’t go away, nausea that ruins entire days, and symptoms so intense they end up in the hospital. It’s frustrating how something so natural can feel so painful and discomforting.
But through it all, these women find ways to survive.
Some rely on heating pads and painkillers, while others sit on the toilet for relief or count numbers just to distract themselves. Some have found that certain foods or teas help them manage their period flu and premenstrual symptoms, while others have learned that nothing really works and they just have to ride it out.
Consider seeking medical care and support
The truth is, every period is different, and so is the way of handling it.
What’s clear, though, is that menstrual pain isn’t just “normal” discomfort. It can be serious, and it deserves more attention. Maybe one day, science will finally give us better solutions. But until then, women will keep pushing through, surviving each month however they can.
If you experience extreme period flu symptoms, which doctors typically refer to as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), consider seeking medical care at a hospital. This severe form of premenstrual syndrome can cause a wide range of debilitating symptoms that interfere with your work, social activities, or relationships.
If you’ve ever felt like you were the only one going through this, you’re definitely not alone. Feel free to seek the support of family and friends, and know that it's okay to ask for help during that time of your cycle.