Health Story Submission Page

SemicHealth is open to accepting personal stories related to health, fitness, lifestyle and general wellness. This is a page for health stories submissions.

Share Your Health Story With Us

We are working on a project that aims to share real-life stories about people’s experiences with health and fitness. The goal is to create a space where others can learn from personal journeys and feel encouraged in their own paths.

We’re looking out for individuals who are willing to share their stories—whether it’s about navigating pregnancy, dealing with surprising health symptoms, living with a rare condition, managing PCOS, going through IVF treatments, or their fitness and general wellness journeys.

This can also be a loved one's story or as told to you by another. The most important is that we want real-life stories and experiences, not fiction or made-up stories.

If you have a story you'd like to share, we’d love to hear from you! You can choose to stay anonymous or have the story published with your name—whatever you're comfortable with.

To get your stories across, please fill out the form below, and we will respond ASAP. If you also have any supporting materials you'd like to be published with the story, e.g., pictures, hospital receipts, etc., feel free to attach them in the form below.

Alternatively, you can speak with a SemicHealth correspondent to tell your story if you are unable to put it into writing. Simply email:

Looking forward to hearing your inspiring stories!

Story Submission Form

Optionally attach supporting image, video or audio files. Each file size should not exceed 100MB

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