About Us

SemicHealth is a health website that focuses on creating health and wellness blogs. The about us page highlights the tech, features and writing services offered by SemicHealth.

About Us

"The greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you" - Joyce Meyer

What we do

SemicHealth educates on healthy living, offering medically reviewed, fact-checked contents and newsletters in the field of public health, skin care, disease management, fitness and nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, and many more.

Our mission

SemicHealth seeks to be a reference point for health topics and general health education. SemicHealth aims to educate the audience by providing daily updates of accurate, reliable, fact-checked, and well-reviewed health articles.

We are building a platform that will remain a reference point for all discussions that border on health, public safety, and healthy living.

Our editorial standards

SemicHealth strives to provide accurate and science-proven facts to her audience. The health reports and articles on SemicHealth are thoroughly researched, science-based, and fact-checked by medical experts in the relevant field of study.

We partner and work with top medical experts around the world and health writers alike, ensuring that we stay true to our editorial standards.

As part of our editorial standards, we provide an easy to use contact form to our readers for follow up questions, complaints, and editorial corrections.

Our editorial values in numbers

At SemicHealth, the following 8 pillar standards are enshrined in our editorial journey. To ensure utmost quality of our work, we incorporate each pillar at every stage of our editorial process, from content ideation to the final stage of publication.

  1. Helpful

  2. Relatable

  3. Concise

  4. Reassuring

  5. Authoritative

  6. Educational

  7. Empowering

  8. Actionable

Our editorial process

Below is a step by step outline of our day-to-day editorial process. Starting from topic ideation to the final stage of publication.

  1. Topic Research

  2. Refinement

  3. Assignment

  4. Editorial Review

  5. Medical Review & Fact-checking

  6. Publication

The SemicHealth Team

You speak; we listen. You ask; we provide accurate answers. You seek clarity; we provide clarifications.

We are the SemicHealth team, committed to empowering you with helpful and actionable health information to help you live your best life.


Our Medical disclaimer

SemicHealth’s content, services, and products are solely for informational and educational purposes. Our contents are backed by scientific evidence but do not serve as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. 

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