Blood Type Compatibility Chart for Marriage (For Husband and Wife)
When discussing topics before marriage, blood type compatibility may not be as important as genotype compatibility. But it's still an important topic of discussion before marriage.

Key takeaways:
- It is important to discuss blood type compatibility for couples because couples with incompatible blood types cannot donate or receive blood from each other during emergency situations.
- The blood group compatibility chart for marriage, as shown in this article, helps couples understand compatibility and know if their blood types match.
- Having a matching blood type with your partner is not a criterion for a happy marriage, but it is helpful in emergency cases where blood transfusion is required.
Blood group compatibility does not determine whether a couple will have a happy and healthy marriage. However, having a compatible blood group with your partner will help ensure you don't have issues with blood donation and pregnancy, which may affect your marriage.
Also, note that no "one" blood group is best for marriage. However, based on some blood type personality theories, such as the ketsueki-gata (a theory introduced by Japanese professor Tokeji Furukawa), each blood type has typical, specific characteristic traits, suggesting that certain blood type matches have higher chances of resulting in happier marriage.
Also, a publication in Scientific American reported that some people in Japan and other South Asian countries believe blood type dictates a person's personality.
Still, many people don't know their blood group type, and many don't think it is important in marriage. But is it not?
This article discusses all you need to know about blood group types and blood group compatibility for marriage. It also includes a blood group compatibility chart for marriage, which allows you to see matching blood group types at a glance.
Blood group types (the ABO system)
There are different blood group types depending on the presence or absence of certain antigens and antibodies.
Antigens are protein molecules that are attached to the outside of red blood cells. Antibodies, on the other hand, are protein molecules that are found in blood plasma. Antibodies are parts of the body's natural defense system—they recognize foreign agents (such as foreign antigens and pathogens) and notify the T-cells of the immune system to launch an attack.
The four main blood group types are:
- Blood group A - People with this blood group have A antigens on their red blood cells and anti-B antibodies on their plasma.
- Blood group B - People with this blood group have B antigens on their red blood cells and anti-A antibodies on their plasma.
- Blood group AB - People with this blood group have both A and B antigens on their red blood cells and no antibodies in their plasma.
- Blood group O - People with this blood group have no antigens but have both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their plasma.
Your blood group is determined by your inherited genes at birth and, hence, cannot be changed over time.
Why you need to understand the blood group chart for marriage
Receiving blood from someone with an incompatible blood group can lead to death. For instance, if someone with blood group B receives blood from someone with blood group A, the anti-A antibodies in the recipient's blood will attack the A antigen from the donor's blood.
It helps to know your partner's blood group and if it is compatible with yours. In most developing countries, most hospitals don't have standby blood banks, which is a big problem because being able to transfuse blood directly to your spouse in emergency cases can help save their life.
The chances of fatality increase when a person has lost a significant amount of blood and can't get an immediate blood transfusion from a matching blood type. This is why studying a blood group compatibility marriage chart is important for couples or intending couples.
Further Reading
Read an exclusive piece that discusses more about blood type compatibility for marriage, how blood group types are inherited and the role of blood group types in determining paternity.
The blood group chart for marriage
Just like the blood group matching table, the blood group compatibility chart sample helps you understand which blood group you are compatible with.
Below is a chart that shows compatible blood groups.
Understanding the blood group chart for marriage makes it easier for intending couples (and married couples) to know if their blood groups match and if they can donate blood to each other in emergencies.
If your partner has the same blood group as you, you can receive and donate blood to them without any issue. If you have blood group O, you can donate blood to other blood groups but can only receive blood from a person with blood group O.
Here is a table that explains the blood group compatibility marriage chart.
Blood Type | Can Give Blood To: | Can Receive Blood From |
Spouse with blood group A | Spouse with blood group A or AB | Spouse with blood group A or O |
Spouse with blood group B | Spouse with blood group B or AB | Spouse with blood group B or O |
Spouse with blood group AB | Only spouse with blood group AB | Spouse with any of the blood group types (A, B, AB and O) |
Spouse with blood group O | Spouse with any of the blood group types (A, B, AB, or O) | Only spouse with blood group O |
Blood Type | Can Give Blood To: | Can Receive Blood From |
Spouse with blood group A | Spouse with blood group A or AB | Spouse with blood group A or O |
Spouse with blood group B | Spouse with blood group B or AB | Spouse with blood group B or O |
Spouse with blood group AB | Only spouse with blood group AB | Spouse with any of the blood group types (A, B, AB and O) |
Spouse with blood group O | Spouse with any of the blood group types (A, B, AB, or O) | Only spouse with blood group O |
To further explain this marriage blood group compatibility chart:
- A person with blood group A cannot donate to or receive blood from a partner with blood group B.
- A person with blood group B cannot donate to or receive blood from a partner with blood group A
- A person with blood group AB cannot donate blood to a partner that belongs to any other blood group but can receive blood from them
- A person with blood group O can donate blood to their partner irrespective of their partner’s blood group but cannot accept blood from them unless they also belong to the O blood group
Another blood group system that is important to consider in marriages is the rhesus (Rh) factor system. The Rh system further divides the blood types into 8 (A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-), depending on the presence of the RhD antigen.
You are Rh-positive if you have the RhD antigen present in your blood; if you don't have the RhD antigen present, then you are Rh-negative.
The Rh factor becomes a problem when an Rh-negative mother gives birth to a baby who inherits the RhD+ antigen from an RhD+ father. When the baby's red blood cells come into contact with the mother's Rh-incompatible blood, the mother's blood forms antibodies against the RhD+ antigens. This can trigger life-threatening immune responses in later pregnancies.
Learning more about the Rhesus factor and the rhesus factor compatibility chart will show you more about how your blood group type can affect your marriage and your biological children.
Importance of the blood group compatibility chart for marriage
Understanding the blood compatibility chart for marriage and the rhesus factor chart will help couples know their blood group status, even before marriage.
This is important in emergency cases—if your blood group is compatible with that of your spouse, it speeds up the blood transfusion process in emergencies. It can also help save your spouse’s life.
Studying the blood group for the marriage compatibility chart and understanding it will also help you tell the possible blood groups for your biological children. For instance, for parents that both have A blood type, their baby’s possible blood type will be A and O.
Wrap up
By learning about the ABO blood group system and the blood group compatibility chart for marriage, couples and people who want to get married will be able to figure out if their blood types are compatible. It helps understand blood type matching.
If you don’t know your blood type or your spouse’s blood type, you may want to go for a blood typing test. While blood type doesn’t stop many couples from getting married, it will help to know the blood group you belong to.
If you also find out you are Rh-negative, it is important that you seek medical attention when you get pregnant to prevent your body from forming antibodies that can harm your baby. Prevention remains the best treatment for Rh incompatibility.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Which blood group combination is best for marriage?
Why is blood type matching important for transfusions?
Is blood group matching necessary for platelet transfusion?
Read this piece on rhesus factor compatibility for marriage and pregnancy.