Does groundnut (peanut) cause pimples and acne?
If you are a groundnut fan, you will be relieved to learn that groundnuts do not cause pimples. However, it is best to eat them with caution as they can aggravate your pimples and acne symptoms.
Written By

Oluoma Vivian AnekeHuman Anatomist
Reviewed By

Joy EmehHuman Anatomist | Health Editor

Key takeaways:
- Groundnut does not cause pimples; however, it may contribute to or worsen pimples and acne symptoms.
- Bacteria, excessive growth of skin follicular cells, and excess sebum production are the primary causes of acne.
- Acne is different from pimples in that acne is a skin disease, while pimples are one of the symptoms of acne.
Groundnut is also called peanut in some parts of the world. This nutritious nut is commonly consumed as a snack in different parts of the world, like Nigeria. However, many people believe it can cause pimples and acne, and this has raised concerns for groundnut lovers.
The groundnut and pimple myth opines that because groundnut is an oily food, it can cause excess production of an oil called sebum within the inner layers of the skin, leading to acne and pimples. Some people say they notice an increased appearance of pimples after taking groundnuts. People who are allergic to groundnuts also believe that eating them causes pimples on their skin.
This article will explain whether groundnuts can cause pimples and acne. It will also discuss the difference between acne and pimples and how to protect your skin from these problems.
Does groundnut cause pimples? What science says
Groundnut does not cause pimples or acne. Acne develops when the opening of hair follicles gets blocked and clogged with dead skin cells and oil, which may lead to the formation of swollen, red, pus-filled lesions called pimples.
The major factors that contribute to the development of acne and pimples are bacteria, excess sebum production, and hyperproliferation of the skin follicle cells.
While some people think they develop pimples and acne when they eat foods like groundnuts, nutritionists and scientists say otherwise. Most studies examining the connection between diet and acne found no significant connection or strong evidence that foods like groundnuts cause acne or pimples. However, some studies suggest that certain foods can aggravate acne or play a role in its treatment.
This means that even though it's unlikely that groundnuts cause pimples, there is some evidence that they may contribute to pimples or make acne worse. This is because groundnut contains omega-6 fatty acids and androgen-like content. Omega-6 is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases; however, different studies have linked it to an increased risk of inflammation and acne.
Furthermore, the androgen hormone is linked to acne development. Males and females have androgen hormones like testosterone (with males having them in higher amounts), but increased production of the male hormone can trigger an increase in the skin's production of sebum. Too much sebum can clog the hair follicles, causing the formation of whiteheads or blackhead pimples.
In summary, groundnuts do not directly cause acne, but they may indirectly contribute to acne or play a role in worsening it. It is best to consume groundnuts and other foods that may increase the risk of inflammation in moderate amounts.
Is groundnut healthy?
Groundnut is packed with nutrients that are healthy for you. Health benefits of groundnut include the following:
- Groundnut has high protein content and can be a good addition for people who eat low-protein foods or vegetarians
- It contains a good amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are good for the heart
- It contains some minerals like zinc, potassium, calcium, and sodium, which perform important functions in the body
- It is rich in phenol, an antioxidant that helps protect the cells from harmful effects caused by free radicals
- It contains some important vitamins that are beneficial to health, e.g., niacin and vitamin E
Acne vs. pimple: what is the difference?
People often use the terms "acne" and "pimples" interchangeably. But they don't mean the same thing. The difference between acne and pimples is that acne is a disease, while pimples are among its symptoms. This means that sometimes, the presence of a pimple can be an indication of an underlying acne condition.
Acne occurs when dead skin cells and oil (sebum) clog together to form a plug in the skin's follicles. Such plugs contain bacteria that cause inflammation, which can lead to the appearance of small pimples on the face and other parts of the body, such as the back.
Another difference between acne and pimples is that acne often develops over a long period of time and lasts for a long time, while pimples usually form quickly and go away after a short while.
Causes of acne and pimples
People with acne are at a high risk of developing persistent pimples, which are a symptom often associated with acne.
The main factors that cause acne include:
- Excess sebum oil production in your body (some hormonal medications like progesterone and phenothiazine sometimes lead to increased sebum production)
- Bacteria clogging or blocking skin pores
- Excess dead skin cells accumulate and block skin pores
Factors that can contribute to or worsens acne or pimples include:
- Smoking cigarette
- Excess stress
- A genetic or family history of acne
- Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or puberty
- Using face creams, cleansers, and some other skincare products that are not compatible with your skin type
How to prevent acne and pimples
Here are things you can do to reduce the risk of developing pimples and acne:
- Always try to use skin care products that are compatible with your skin type
- Avoid touching your face with dirty hands
- Don't sleep with your makeup on; always try to wash them off
- Moisturize your face regularly
- Routinely wash your face to remove dirt
- Find out your skin type; this will help you choose the best products to buy for your skin
- Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated
- Avoid popping your pimples, as it might worsen them, expose them to bacterial infection, or cause inflammation
What to do when you have acne
Acne is not always a critical condition; it can result from hormonal changes that come with puberty or pregnancy. In such cases, it may clear up naturally. However, if you have acne and you notice the following, please visit a dermatologist:
- Acne that is causing scar
- Formation of fluid-filled cystic acne
- Acne that progresses, covering a large part of your body
- Skin discoloration
- Pain
Wrap up
Avoiding a particular food won't make acne or pimples go away because there isn't just one food that causes acne. However, there is no denying the fact that certain foods, such as groundnuts, may contribute to acne or worsen its symptoms.
Whether eaten in unprocessed form or as peanut butter, groundnuts have numerous health benefits. You may not need to cut them off from your diet; instead, you should consider eating them in moderation.
All in all, if you have pimples, particularly persistent ones, that have refused to go away, it is best to see a certified skincare specialist. Your dermatologist will look at your symptoms to figure out if you have acne or another skin condition. They will then offer you the best treatment and care, unique to your condition.
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