The weight loss journey: 5 things to do to get started
There is so much information available on weight loss these days. While most of these tips offer effective ways to avoid obesity or excessive weight gain, they can all be overwhelming, especially for a beginner. If your question is, "How do I get started with weight loss?" this article is for you.
Written By

Joy EmehHuman Anatomist | Health Editor

With weight loss, there is a seemingly endless list of things you have to do and lists of things you are advised not to do. The complexity of it all makes some people who want to start their weight-loss journey throw in the towel even before the journey starts.
You would have to learn when best to eat, what to eat, what not to eat, the quantity of food to eat, and even the type of exercise to do⸺which can be challenging for many people.
Things to do before you get started on your weight loss journey
To help you ease into your weight loss journey, here are five tips on how to get started:
1. Start by writing out your meal plan
If you have read up to this point, then most definitely, you have gone past 'considering weight loss' to the point where you have 'made up your mind' to start up your weight loss journey.
Don't ever feel intimidated by those who seem to have gotten to the end of their journey and have achieved their weight loss goals. You will get there too. You just have to start!
Being intentional about diet is vital to every weight-loss journey. So, creating a meal plan will come in handy for people who want to lose weight.
Write a meal plan to cover the first two weeks of your weight-loss journey. This way, you won't have to worry each day about what to eat since you already have it all planned out.
Planning a meal menu for weight loss again might get overwhelming, but it doesn't have to make it complicated. Simplicity is the best way to go at the early stage of the weight loss journey.
Don't discard all your old recipes at once. Instead, change them gradually, throwing in the new ones as the day goes by. Once you get the hang of menu planning, you can add as many recipes as needed to get you through your weight loss journey.
2. Clean out and organize your fridge, pantry
This is a follow-up to the first tip. While planning your meals, consider cleaning up your kitchen cabinets and storage.
Similar to meal planning, throwing away every piece of junk you have on the first day of the weight loss journey might be too drastic. Start by clearing out things to make room for healthier foods that support your weight loss journey.
In order to eat healthily, a kitchen environment that supports cooking healthy meals is necessary. When you clean up and organize your kitchen area, you feel more revived and even more ready to start your new journey to acquire a healthier weight.
3. Sign up for a weight loss program
A great weight loss program should cover areas like meal planning, calorie counting, and a workout plan, which will all help a person kickstart their weight loss journey.
As a beginner, planning meals alone every time can be challenging, as you might not even know the meals you need to avoid. Also, counting calories and choosing the right workout plan would be another challenge.
There are many online weight-loss programs and tools online that can help people kickstart their weight loss journey.
When you find the ideal one, sign up and stick with the plans (both meal and workout plans). Even after you have achieved your weight loss goal, the weight loss program can help you sustain your weight.
4. Take a picture and take your measurements
Photo source: Shutterstock
You need to know your measurements and how much you weigh before you start your weight-loss journey. This would help you set goals and also measure your progress through your weight loss journey.
Do you want to lose weight all over, or is there a particular part of the body you want to focus on? Measure that part. For instance, if you want to lose belly fat, take a measurement of the area around your belly before starting your weight loss journey.
After taking the first picture, follow up with pictures at intervals (maybe monthly) to keep track of changes. This also helps you become more intentional about the body shape you want to achieve.
You might feel nervous at the start of your weight loss journey, but when you finally start losing some weight, you will find out that your body gets transformed, and it always feels great to see and monitor that progress through pictures and measurements.
5. Determine not to give up
Photo source: Shutterstock
One of the constant challenges people have with their weight loss journey is the urge to give up. Many people get frustrated if they don't see significant results within the first month.
But, one of the best decisions you will ever make is deciding never to give up, right from the start of your weight loss journey.
It will not be easy, but it is not unachievable either. You will need determination, patience, and consistency for your weight loss journey.
Focus on the goal you want to achieve. Even though the changes won't happen overnight, promise yourself that you will reach your goal, and don't give up on it.
The start of a weight loss journey comes with a whole lot of new things and changes to be made but in all, remember to be compassionate to yourself, especially as a beginner.
Focus on starting first. It doesn't have to be a drastic start, but start somewhere. Focus on developing healthy habits and avoid entertaining the idea of giving up.
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