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10 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for People With Gestational Diabetes

Last Updated Jan 2, 2025

A healthy mother needs a healthy diet. This article educates expectant mothers on healthy breakfast options to avoid gestational diabetes.

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Key takeaways:

  • Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy when the blood glucose level rises above normal due to a lack of insulin production. It can result in complications like preeclampsia and premature birth.  
  • A healthy breakfast for a person with gestational diabetes should have a blend of fiber-rich carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. 
  • A person with gestational diabetes needs a well-balanced breakfast to help them better control their blood sugar and get the nutrients they need throughout the pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes (GMD) is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. This condition results in elevated blood sugar levels as the body cannot produce enough insulin to meet the increased need during pregnancy. 

The pregnancy journey can be difficult for some. It may come with unexpected complications such as gestational diabetes, which can lead to skipping breakfast or other meals of the day as a way to manage weight gain or lower glucose levels. 

Skipping breakfast is associated with an increased risk of many serious health conditions, including gestational diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

The findings of 2019 research suggested that pregnant women who skipped breakfast had less protein, energy levels, and omega-3 fatty acids throughout the day. In addition, they consumed fewer essential vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, such as calcium, iron, and folate.

How can having breakfast help manage gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes requires close blood sugar monitoring, exercise, and nutritional intervention for its management, and this is where breakfast plays a role. A healthy diet reduces the risk of GDM.

The ideal breakfast for managing GDM is a fiber-rich and low glycemic index (GI) diet. These foods do not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Low glycemic index foods such as beans, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables rich in dietary fiber help to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

10 breakfast ideas for pregnant persons with gestational diabetes

The digestion and absorption of carbohydrates- depending on amount and type can cause elevated blood glucose levels.

Therefore, it is recommended that women with gestational diabetes split their carbohydrate intake across three meals and have at least two healthy snacks each day. This is to help them avoid excess food intake and balance their carbohydrate consumption more evenly throughout the day.

Here are some healthy foods that are ideal for managing blood sugar levels in people with gestational diabetes:

1. Ofada rice

Ofada rice is whole grain and less processed, making it high in fiber and a good breakfast option. Because of the increase in blood sugar levels in the morning, breakfast should only include small amounts of slowly absorbed carbohydrates. The high fiber content helps control blood sugar levels.

For breakfast, Ofada rice can be served with vegetable stew or salad and lean protein such as eggs, skinless chicken or turkey, and fish.  

NB: Besides ofada rice, brown rice, like basmati and local Nigerian rice, can be consumed. Since they are not highly processed, they have high fiber content.

2. Beans

Beans are high in protein, fiber, and essential minerals, making them an excellent choice for those with gestational diabetes. They can be prepared in various ways to suit your preferences. They can be cooked alone and served with vegetables, transformed into a delectable pot with unripe plantains, cooked as moimoi (bean pudding), fried as akara balls (bean cake), and served with hot pap.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a fiber-rich, low-glycemic-index food suitable for women with gestational diabetes. Its soluble fiber slows digestion, preventing blood glucose from increasing after meals. It also helps lower blood pressure.

This simple breakfast option can be boiled and topped with chia seeds, skimmed milk, or unsweetened almond milk for added smoothness and flavor.

4. Unripe plantains

Unripe plantains are generally good for pregnant women because they contain dietary fiber, low carbohydrates, essential vitamins, and minerals. It is an excellent option for breakfast. Unripe plantains can be boiled and served with a fish vegetable stew, egg sauce or turned into pottage.

5. Corn meal

Dried or fresh corn can be used to make corn meals. Corn meals contain complex carbohydrates and release glucose slowly into the blood. Pairing it with proteins like beans helps regulate blood sugar levels and offers a wholesome dinner.

Preparing different healthy recipes from corn, like Nigerian corn pudding (locally called ukpo oka), can serve as a tasty breakfast option.

6. Fruits/Fruit salad

Eating whole fruits is preferable to drinking fruit juice for a woman with gestational diabetes. In a bowl, add your favorite fruits, such as berries, cherries, apples, cucumbers, and watermelon, and a handful of nuts (cashew nuts, tiger nuts, and coconut) or seeds (chia, flaxseed, and sesame).

Consult a dietitian for help with quantifying the amount of fruit to be consumed per day.

7. Egg sandwich

If you want to try some English breakfast options, an egg sandwich is a savory and nutritious option for a gestational diabetic. This proteinous and fiber-rich breakfast can be achieved using a whole-grain tortilla stuffed with scrambled eggs and your preferred vegetables, such as spinach, tomatoes, onions, and peppers. 

8. Vegetable salad with egg

This is a good option when you wake up tired and looking for something quick to fix. Begin your morning with a colorful salad of your favorite leafy greens, avocado, and a freshly cooked egg for protein. 

NB: In cases where eggs are unavailable, boiled or grilled low-mercury fish can be a substitute. Examples of low-mercury fish include salmon, sardines, shrimps, and catfish.

9. Yogurt parfait

A plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt parfait is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It is an excellent choice for a gestational diabetic.

A 2019 meta-analysis showed that probiotic use was associated with improved glucose and lipid metabolism in pregnant women and might contribute to the reduced risk of GDM. For extra nutrition, always top with berries and nuts.

10. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are great for women with GDM because they are high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants and slowly release sugar into the bloodstream. They can be boiled, baked, mashed, or roasted and eaten with pepper soup, stew, or sauce.

Tips for choosing a healthy breakfast option

Choosing a healthy breakfast option for people with gestational diabetes requires careful consideration to keep blood sugar levels stable while providing essential nutrients. Here are some essential tips:

  • Choose foods with a low glycemic index, such as beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Avoid high-glycemic foods such as sugary cereals, drinks, and pastries.
  • Include lean protein in your meals. Some examples are eggs, fish, skinless chicken breast, turkey, unsweetened Greek yogurt, and lean meats.
  • Choose healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts, seeds, or olive oil, to increase satiety and help control blood sugar.
  • Add fiber-rich foods to help slow down glucose absorption.
  • Avoid added sugars such as flavored yogurt, sweeteners, syrups, and processed foods. 
  • Eat a balanced and adequate meal to ensure nutrients are evenly distributed. 
  • Portion meals to avoid overeating.
  • Eat small, frequent meals if you lack appetite.
  • Stay hydrated by including unsweetened beverages such as water or herbal teas to round out the meal without adding extra sugar.
  • Monitor blood glucose levels regularly.
  • Consult a registered dietitian for help with counseling and a meal plan.

When to speak with a registered dietician

A registered dietitian is a licensed health professional who uses their knowledge of food and nutrition to manage, prevent, and treat illnesses while maintaining and promoting health.  They provide comprehensive nutrition counseling to help you manage your gestational diabetes and meet your nutritional requirements. 

Following an assessment and diagnosis, a dietitian will explain how food affects blood sugar and how portion control, nutrient distribution, and meal timing can help to manage GDM

You may also speak to a registered dietician about any of these:

  • If you are unsure about food choices.
  • If you need a meal plan or recipes.
  • If blood sugar levels are difficult to control,
  • If you are struggling with weight management.
  • If you are on insulin or other medications.
  • To prepare for postpartum healthcare.


Managing gestational diabetes begins with making healthy lifestyle changes, particularly with breakfast. Low-glycemic-index carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help balance blood sugar levels, support a healthy pregnancy, and provide energy throughout the day.

Study the above breakfast ideas, seek personalized guidance from a qualified dietician, and remember that small, consistent changes can make a big difference.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What cereal can I eat with gestational diabetes?

The cereals to eat to help you manage gestational diabetes include barley, brown rice, millet, oats, quinoa, wheat, fonio millet, maize, and sorghum. These cereals contain high fiber and do not cause the blood sugar level to increase rapidly.

Is oatmeal bad for gestational diabetes?

Oatmeal is good for gestational diabetes. Its low to moderate glycemic index means it can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Oats contain beta-glucan, a fiber known for its cardiovascular health benefits. This is important given the higher risk of heart disease associated with diabetes.

Is banana good for gestational diabetes?

Bananas can be included in a gestational diabetic meal plan when consumed in moderation and combined with nuts and Greek yogurt to reduce blood sugar levels. However, always consult your dietitian to determine the appropriate quantity of bananas for your meal.

Further Reading:

If you liked this article, you can also read this: Is unripe plantain good for a pregnant woman?

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